Serving the citizens of
Benton County, Arkansas since 2005
At Earth911, We’ve Created A Community That Helps Consumers Find Their Own Shade Of Green, Match Their Values To Their Purchase Behaviors, Adopt Environmentally Sound Practices And Drive Impactful Environmental Changes. We Are Here To Deliver A Mix Of Targeted Content And Eco-Conscious Products That Influence Positive Environmental Actions So That You Can Live A Happier, Healthier, Sustainable Lifestyle; One That Protects This Wonderful Planet We Call Home.
Click Here to go to the Earth 911 home page.
Keep America Beautiful is the nation‘s leading nonprofit that brings people together to build and sustain vibrant communities. With our national network of community-based affiliates, we work with millions of volunteers who take action in their communities to transform public spaces into beautiful places. Through our programs and public-private partnerships, we engage individuals to take greater responsibility for improving their community‘s environment.
The Advertising Council is a private, nonprofit organization that marshals volunteer talent from the advertising and communications industries, the facilities of the media, and the resources of the business and nonprofit communities to deliver critical messages to the American public. Its mission is to create long-term social change by raising awareness and mobilizing Americans around the most important societal issues of our time.
Click Here to go to the IWantToBeRecycled.Org home page.
Mission & History
Keep America Beautiful envisions a country where every community is a clean, green and beautiful place to live.
Our Mission
To inspire and educate people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment.
Keep America Beautiful History
Keep America Beautiful formed in 1953 when a group of corporate and civic leaders met in New York City to bring the public and private sectors together to develop and promote a national cleanliness ethic.
Click Here to go to the Keep America BeautifulOrg home page.
The Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission inspires and educates individuals to improve their communities by preventing litter, promoting recycling and keeping Arkansas beautiful. We encourage everyone to accept responsibility for maintaining Arkansas’s scenic beauty, environmental health and quality of life. These efforts positively impact civic pride, livability and economic growth – creating communities where people want to work, live and play.
The Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission is a division of the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism and is one of four state agencies that share proceeds from the Amendment 75 1/8-cent Conservation Tax. Our 1 percent of the 1/8-cent tax provides an annual budget of about $700,000. The commission consists of nine governor’s appointees; the executive director and a two-person staff manage our operations.
Keep Arkansas Beautiful is a certified state affiliate of Keep America Beautiful Inc., the nation’s foremost organization that improves and beautifies community environments. We adhere to the principles of the national organization and promote and direct its programs in Arkansas. We also recruit local communities to join the Keep America Beautiful network as certified local affiliates. Currently, 12 communities in Arkansas are certified local affiliates.
Click Here to go to the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Org home page.
Nasa's Eyes on the Earth
Climate Kids is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology.
Yes, we care! After all, Earth is our spaceship.
It carries us on a 583-million-mile cruise around the Sun every year. It even has its own "force field." Earth has a magnetic field that protects us from killer radiation and brutal solar wind. For its life-support system, Earth has all the air, water, and food we need.
Just like astronauts on a long space voyage, we need to monitor all our "ship's" vital functions and keep our Earth "ship shape."
Click Here to go to Nasa's Climate Kids home page.
Who Is NRC?
The National Recycling Coalition is a non-profit organization that is focused on the promotion and enhancement of recycling in the United States. We are 23-affiliated recycling organizations strong, and have a network of more than 6,000 members that extends across waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting. The organization works to maintain a prosperous and productive recycling system that is committed to the conservation of natural resources, as well as accelerate sustainable approaches to the management of discarded materials.
What Does NRC Do?
The Coalition represents and advocates for every sector of the recycling industry across the country. (on the local, state and federal levels) We are the voice for our membership. We provide our members with the tools and resources they need to convey to their community members, decision makers, and the news media the important benefits that recycling provides to our economy and environment. We also develop meaningful partnerships with corporate, government, and nonprofit leaders to bring about important changes in the way we use, manage, and recycle natural resources.
Click Here to go to the National Recycling Coalition home page.
Get Informed: MNN content is divided among eight different channels — each offering in-depth news and information updated throughout the day: Earth Matters, Health, Lifestyle, Tech, Money, Food, Home, and Family.
5 ways to reduce your kids' carbon footprint:
Teach your kids to turn off the lights and shut off the water when not in use, try to walk more, and generally turn 'monkey see, monkey do' to your advantage.
Click Here to go to 5 ways to reduce your kids' carbon footprint.
Click Here to go to the Mother Nature Network home page.
Join the Movement:
A "Revealer" acts to alleviate extreme poverty, ocean plastic, and the production of new plastic by revealing the value in Social Plastic®.
David Katz:
We make plastic waste a currency to help the world’s most disadvantaged people. I’ve come to realize that the problem with plastic waste, is that people see it as waste. But if we can reveal the value in plastic, we can make it too valuable to throw away. If we can reveal value in people, we can unleash the potential of the world’s most disadvantaged and give them a platform to improve their lives. That’s my vision. It’s a triple bottom line social enterprise. We reveal value in plastic and it will have a domino effect on the world. What do you think?”